

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Pets from Cavernães

They enjoyed the task. Pet puppets are always a success!

Celebrating father`s day with a card..

From Casal de Mundão.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Silly simphony - The three little pigs

Children knew the story, a classic of course, but as we had been learning about farm animals  it seemed to me appropriated to show them the movie. They loved it!! Gostaram ainda mais da fala do "wolf": "I`ll huff and puff and i`ll blow your house down!!" e também sempre que o porquinho dizia :"No, no, no!!"
Além do filme ouviram também a história através de um listening acompanhado pelo registo escrito.

The sleeping beauty

Carnival Carnival Carnival

All of these pictures from C. de Mundão

Carnival at Casal de Mundão: as crianças desenharam no quadro algumas "mask"!! They loved it!

Valentine`s day celebration

From Casal de Esporão

From Cavernães

From Cavernães

From Casal de Esporão

As crianças fizeram e eu prometi que colocaria no blog os mais bonitos. Valeu pelo esforço!

Some of the christmas trees children did